Microvarices on the legs laser tratment

  • Tiny veins on the legs are visible in 90 % of women. Most often them are on the outside of the thighs, on the knees and calves.
  • Laser removal is the most effective method to remove small varicose veins on the legs. We use Candela's Gentle YAG vascular laser at our clinic

How NdYAG vascular laser works

The light beam of the vascular laser is converted to heat when it touches the skin, which closes the vessel and it is gradually absorbed.

The veins are in different layers, so usually the procedure must be repeated in 2 - 3 treatments. Veins up to 2 mm in diameter can be treated by laser.

After vascular laser surgery

After the procedure the area is reddish, usually for several days. There is no need to stop work. After laser treatment, it is advisable to wear compression stockings for one week. Protective factors of SPF 30 or more should be used. The effect of the treatment can be evaluated after 5 - 6 weeks.

Microvarices on the  legs laser tratment

Microvarices on the legs laser tratment


Microvarices on the  legs laser treatment Microvarices on the  legs laser treatment

Microvarices on the legs laser treatment


Microvarices on the  legs laser treatment Microvarices on the  legs laser treatment

Microvarices on the legs laser treatment


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